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Lean Belly Breakthrough Review

Lean Belly Breakthrough Review:
Lean Belly Breakthrough is a weight loss program by fitness trainer Bruce Krahn. It is specifically created for men and women over the age of fifty who want to lose belly fat and reduce the risk of associated health conditions (such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression).

I’ve been overweight and unhealthy for way too long!
No matter what did I just couldn’t seem to lose weight and keep it off.
I tried fat burning pills.
Weight loss programs.
Starving myself.
But nothing really worked and if I did lose weight then I’d end up gaining it all back and then some.
I turned 34 a few months ago so I just don’t have the energy or strength at my age to workout for 90 minutes per day.
And I just don’t have the time to follow some complicated diet.
My mother has diabetes and my father suffered from a stroke and a heart attack because of his weight.
I really didn’t want to end up like them because I have kids of my own and I want to be there for them!
So when I found the Lean Belly Breakthrough website it really spoke to me and I decided that I was going to give it a try.
I read through the entire thing on a Sunday afternoon.
When I finished I was just amazed at how much it all made sense.
Bruce (the creator) breaks everything down and makes it all sound so simple.
He gives you an exact step by step blueprint to follow.
The Lean Belly Breakthrough system is all about losing weight in a safe and healthy way.

The 10 Lean Belly Breakthrough Rituals

The entire system is based on 10 rituals that Bruce gives you to follow every day.
One of the rituals is of course exercise..

Now I don’t know about you but I’m no athlete and I really can’t handle a lot of exercise.
Plus I have other things to do so I can’t use up all my energy working out.
The Lean Belly Breakthrough system comes with 5 workout videos that last just 2 minutes each and Bruce recommends that you do them every day.
So in total you’ll exercise for about 10 minutes per day.
For me this is perfect as I can fit it into my day and it doesn’t burn me out.
Even though the workouts only last 10 minutes I still feel like I’ve done a good workout.
Exercise is great at boosting endorphins which make you feel good.
And if you feel like 10 minutes isn’t enough then you can still workout for longer.
You can just start from the beginning again and repeat the process!

Our lean belly breakthrough review is for educational purpose and we are being compensated for doing it.

The Lean Belly Breakthrough Diet

Bruce also recommends that you eat 3 meals per day with one of them being his Super Healthy Smoothie.

The other 2 meals being lunch and dinner.
In total there are;
  • 7 breakfast smoothies to choose from.
  • 8 Lunches.
  • 7 dinners.
All you need to do each day is choose which of them you want.
Now I had the 10 rituals to follow and a simple diet plan to follow I couldn’t wait to get started!


Before I could get started I needed to do a little bit of preparation.
First of all I cleared out all of the unhealthy junk food!
Next I went to the shops and bought some of the ingredients for the diet plan.
They’re all basic ingredients that you can find at the local shops so you shouldn’t have trouble there.
From that day on I followed the Lean Belly Breakthrough plan religiously which really wasn’t that hard because it’s all very simple.
My daily routine went something like this..
  • Wake up in the morning and do the 10 minute workout.
  • Shower and then choose one of the 7 super smoothies to have for breakfast.
  • At lunch time choose one of the 8 options to have for lunch.
  • At dinner time eat one of the 7 dinner options.
All of the other rituals are easy to follow  as well.
Oh yes and before I forget.
You can also choose from 8 healthy dessert recipes to have after dinner as well.
Some of the desserts include;
  • Coconut macaroons.
  • Healthy apple crumble.
  • Apple cinnamon doughnut holes.
  • Chocolate raspberry muffins.
  • Almond pecan protein balls.
  • Chocolate chip oat bars.
  • Healthy brownies.
  • Almond butter cookies.
I didn’t eat dessert every day but every few days I’d cook up some of the healthy dessert recipes and they really are quite delicious.
And that was it.
It’s all very easy to follow and that’s what I like about it.

My Lean Belly Breakthrough Results..

Within a week of following the program I was already starting to feel much more energetic and healthier.
People at work were asking me where I was getting all my energy from.
I started getting out of bed straight away in the mornings too.
Before long I was already starting to lose weight.
After my first week following the system I had lost almost 3 pounds and I really started to notice a difference in the mirror.
I liked where things were heading so I carried on with the program and before I knew it a month had passed and I had lost just over 9 pounds. πŸ™‚

3 Months Later..

It’s now been 3 months since I started the Lean Belly Breakthrough program and I’ve lost just over 21 pounds.

Since following the Lean Belly Breakthrough system I feel younger and healthier.
It feels good to have finally found as system that works!
Since losing weight;
  • My skin is better.
  • I have more energy.
  • I look and feel healthier.
  • I’ve been getting a lot of nice compliments which is always a bonus. πŸ™‚
  • I have the energy to spend more quality time with my family.
So if you want to lose weight safely and improve your health then without a doubt I recommend the Lean Belly Breakthrough program.
Just follow the system and I know that you’ll see results.
It feels amazing when you start to see changes and it really doesn’t take that long.

Good luck and don’t forget to leave a comment below if you have any questions or need any guidance!

Our lean belly breakthrough review is for educational purpose and we are being compensated for doing it.


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