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zero up 2.0 by fred lam

How is Zero Up not like the other 100 eCommerce training courses out there? Unlike other course, ZeroUp actually creates and runs your entire Shopify store for you.  Find out how Fred Lam made that possible in the review below.
Creator: Fred Lam
Official Site:
Price:  $1,497 or 3 Payments of $597
Why is eCom so HOT right now?
It seems like there is new course on how to be an eCom super star every week or so. Is it because eCom is the new hot thing?
Quite the opposite, in fact eCommerce is one of the oldest ways to make money online. The first known use of it can be traced back to 1971, when students used ARPANET to perform electronic transactions.
So what’s the deal recent boom?
It seems like the technology has finally caught up with the eCom business. Unlike the old days, you no longer need to be a code Jedi master to create a store. In fact, Shopify allows you to do it without any previous experience in just few hours (or with ZeroUp those hours turn into minutes.)

How To Build an Niche Store In Minutes

Now when you think of eCommerce you’re probably thinking of mega stores like Amazon, Overstock or even eBay.
But what if I told you that most of the money to be made is still in small and targeted eCom stores? Even Amazon, which surpassed 100 billions in sales in 2015 has paid out over 10 billions to its affiliates with small stores the same year. That’s 10% of their total sales to affiliates.
If that wasn’t enough, Amazon itself is  buying out ever niche store they can get their hands on. This includes,, and others.
Why? Because on the internet it is all about relevance. With the freedom of being able to visits any eCom store or website in seconds, many choose to search for specific niches or even keywords to find their products.
Let’s put this intro a perspective. For example if you’re looking for a gourmet coffee. Would you rather go to a generic store like Walmart and Amazon, or coffee specialist like Joe Pro Shop?
The answer seems obvious, and that’s why many niche stores are making a total killing online. Having high niche relevancy just ads a new dimension of expertise, trust and authority.
Best part? Niche related stores are easier to build, maintain and most importantly promote. This is because you focus on a specific market and targets rather than trying to take on eCommerce giants.

How Does Zero Up Fit Into This?

ZeroUp gives you the ability to create stores and fill them up with niche related products almost instantly. This means you can create different stores in different niche in 1/10th of the time it would take you to create 1 store in the old days.
On top of that ZeroUp takes care of fulfillment so it doesn’t matter how many stores you have, you’ll still be free to create more.
With that said, let’s take a look inside now
As you can see above the system is broken down into 9 modules. Here’s a quick overview of each one and what to expect.
  • Product Engine – Searching, sorting, selecting and publishing is simple with the engine. Just type in URL, market, niche or specific keyword to find thousands of items on that can be sorted and sold with one click of a button.
  • Ad Ideas – build in feature for easy ad creation and management.
  • Order Status – Have complete overview of orders with order number, date purchased, customer name, total, order date, order ID and actions.
  • Tracking Status – Check an order in greater details with fulfillment status or tracking number.
  • Email Integration – build a list of past visitors and customers for future promotions and profits.
  • Funnel Builder -Build in landing page and funnel builder.
  • Profit Multiplier – easy way to create and manage promotional texts, images, video and coupons. No need for outsourcing it.
  • Training – 8 modules of starting that includes, store creation, inventory arbitrage, turbocharging your store, creating a sales funnel, advertising your store, store management, traffic genius, and scaling up.
  • Knowledgeabase – FAQ and other helpful tips.

Zero Up Bonus: Unlimited Traffic For 3 Stores

The only thing you have to do to start earning commissions from your stores is visitors. Now Fred Lam’s offers some great traffic strategies that you need to check out. However, nothing beats free traffic, especially if it is done for you.
That is why as my bonus I’m offering to rank not 1, but 3 of your shopify stores. That’s right, I believe that Zero Up 2.0 will be such a success for you that instead of just ranking 1 of your stores, I’ll rank up to 3 on the first page of Google.

So what are you waiting?

zero up 2.0If you combine my bonus with Zero Up there is almost no chance you will fail. After, you will have a whole store and traffic taken care of. So what are you still thinking about?
ZeroUp 2.0 is unlike any other eCom course as it automates your entire store and my bonus will automate your traffic.
So don’t let this rare opportunity pass you by like so many others before. Just imagine what freedom, both financial and personal, such eCom stores can give you.
If you’re ready to take the next step click below to buy Zero Up and get my incredible bonus now


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